Right now I am sitting in front of my fire, because the rest of the house is too cold, and I have been typing away into a document called “Random Thesis Stuff”. Just scribbles and starts and snippets, but I am taking baby steps.
I feel like I am finally taking some definitive steps in the right direction, that progress is starting to happen. This is a good feeling to have. Finally in the last couple of days I have felt really positive about my practice – felt that I was getting somewhere, and that it might actually be possible to do what I want to do.
I am listening to Ella Fitzgerald singing Gershwin, and drinking coffee. The music makes me want to dance.
If I should suddenly start to sing
Or stand on my head or anything
Don't think that I've lost my senses
It's just that my happiness finally commences
The long long ages of dull despair
Are turning into thin air
And it seems that suddenly I've
Become the happiest girl alive
Things are looking up
I've been looking the landscape over
And it's covered with 4 leaf clover
Oh things are looking up
Since love looked up at me
Bitter was my cup
But no more will I be the mourner
For I've certainly turned the corner
Oh things are looking up
Since love looked up at me
See the sunbeams
Every one beams
Just because of you
Love's in session
And my depression
Is unmistakably through
Things are looking up
It's a great little world we live in
Oh I'm happy as a pup
Since love looked up at me